Outdoor spaces

Infrastructure Services is responsible for maintaining the University Campus Grounds. Venue Management offers a booking service for use of campus open space facilities including lawn areas, courtyards and barbecues.

Amplified and loud music or noise during teaching or exam periods is prohibited.

Requirements for booking outdoor spaces

A booking request must be submitted with required details of the event not less than two weeks before the event date. Once the booking has been processed, a confirmation notice will be returned. Please note, requests can only be made for dates within 30 days from the current date.

  • South Lawn

    Before placing a request for South Lawn please view the South Lawn bookable areas (PDF 124.2 KB) document.

  • System Garden

    Under normal circumstances, NO event can be held within the closed boundary of the System Garden, including lawn areas, unless it has been approved by the Grounds Manager or the System Garden Curator (Virginia McNally, vmcnally@unimelb.edu.au). This will only be granted if the event promotes the themes of the System Garden's living collection, conservation of plants and well-being and then add a copy of the terms and conditions.

    System Garden Paved Area

    Before placing a request for System Garden Paved Area please view the System Garden Terms and Conditions (PDF 436.5 KB).

  • Alcohol

    If it is intended that alcohol be consumed at the event, the following policy must be adhered to and an event checklist submitted with your booking.

  • Photography and filming

    Campus grounds may be booked for film or still photography. See the following pages for the required permits.

Requesting an outdoor space

Groups or clubs wishing to make a booking must nominate one member as the Event Manager. The Event Manager completes the booking form, acts as representative and contact for the event, is responsible for the proper conduct of those attending, and ensures the area used is left neat and tidy at the conclusion of the event. Any damage to University property or problems that may have occurred during the event must be reported to Asset Services/Security.

UMSU Student Clubs


A minimum of two weeks notice is required for all outdoor bookings.

How to use the Direct Booking System (DiBs)

DiBs is a cloud-based platform that allows staff and students to reserve a space on campus to meet, work and study.

For more information, read the DiBs User Guide or watch some of its instructional videos.

Please note, requests can only be made for dates within 30 days from the current date.

Go to Direct Booking System (DiBs)

Barbecue locations

Fixed barbecues are available to be booked in the following locations.

  • Old Geology Courtyard

    Old Geology courtyard BBQ area

    Old Geology Courtyard BBQ area is located in the Old Geology Courtyard between Old Geology and Old Geology South Buildings.

    Suitable for: < 100 attendees
    Available: between 12 noon and 2pm weekdays

  • Old Metallurgy

    Old Mettalurgy BBQ

    Old Metallurgy BBQ area is located in the Old Metallurgy courtyard.

    Suitable for: < 150 attendees
    Available: between 12 noon and 2pm weekdays

  • Physics Courtyard

    Physics Courtyard BBQ

    Physics Courtyard BBQ area is located in the Physics courtyard.

    Suitable for: < 100 attendees.
    Available: between 12 noon and 2pm weekdays.

  • Peter Hall North Side

    Peter Hall BBQ area

    (Richard Berry Building renamed Peter Hall Building)

    Peter Hall North Side BBQ area is located in the Peter Hall North Courtyard, off Masson Way.

    Suitable for: <100 attendees
    Available: between 12 noon and 2pm weekdays

  • System Garden

    System Garden BBQ area

    System Garden BBQ is located in the System Garden Paved Area, outside the FVAS Building (142) and entrance to WEBS (Building 125).

    Suitable for: <100 attendees
    Available: between 12 noon and 2pm weekdays