Self care

Self care can take many forms, and consists of any intentional actions taken to care for physical and mental health.

What is self-care?

Self-care is an essential part of an effective and successful studying routine. Attentive and regular monitoring of your level of stress, physical, mental, emotional and social needs is central to self care.

What can I do to look after myself?

Things to consider include:

  • Sleep - Am I getting enough good, regular sleep?
  • Diet - Am I eating a nutritious, healthy range of foods?
  • Exercise: Do I have regular opportunities to move my body? Consistent exercise, even a small amount of activity each day (e.g., walking, swimming, jogging, weight training) can help.
  • Time management: Have I planned sufficient time to complete my study/work tasks?
  • Relaxation: Have I made time in my study or work schedule to take a break? It's essential to sometimes just ‘tune out’ by lying on a couch, listening to music, or going for a slow walk.
  • Recreational and social activities: It’s great to go out and meet friends, eat something, have a dance, play sport, have fun, and pursue your interests.
  • Relationships: Have I allowed time for people that are important to me? Do I feel satisfied with my relationships or do some of them put a strain on me? Are people respecting my needs and boundaries?

Trying to manage all these aspects of life can be challenging. Things can get out-of-sync especially during busy times or if unexpected stressful events happen, but monitoring how we're tracking regularly can help us avoid neglecting our self-care.

To keep in touch with their experiences and needs, some people find journaling, practising relaxation or mindfulness exercises helpful.

If you'd like more support, come along to one of our workshops or make an appointment for individual counselling.

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